Here’s the deal: Your senior pictures document this incredible time in your life, and we know that you want to look flawless without looking like you tried too hard, right? We can help you with that! Prepping for their session is where most seniors overthink it and ruin their senior pics instead of getting that portrait-perfect look. Sometimes, you may want to end your year with a bang, but just before your senior pics ISN’T THE TIME. Trust us here!

Let’s talk about 5 things you DON’T want to do before your senior portrait session:

1. Self-Tanning: spray, airbrush, or any faux tanner can leave you looking orange and can make your ankles, wrists, and knuckles even look dirty. Ew. We get you want to look like you’ve just returned from the Bahamas, but you want to be VERY careful with this. We’ve seen busted wrists, knuckles, and ankles because the color can settle into the creases and wrinkles and look rough, friends. 

2.  A Big Chop: don’t cut your hair any more than a refreshing trim right before your session. If you hate your new do, it’ll be documented forever in your pictures. Save the big chop for the summer before you leave for college.

3.  Drastic Dye: The same goes for hair color. Freshen up your look with your usual color/highlights, but don’t make a drastic change. Depending on the color of your hair, it could not only shock you but also change the way your skin tones look.

4.  Skin Peels: Avoid facial peels three weeks before your session. They could leave your face red, blotchy, and even peeling. Nobody wants to look like beef carpaccio for their senior pictures, right?

5.  Face Routine Roulette: trying new facial products could leave your skin looking dry or, even worse, with a massive breakout. Yikes! Your skin could develop a rash from new chemicals, so save your new routine for post-session. 

So there you have it! Stay away from committing these pre-session sins and you’ll be ready to go for your big day!

Want some extra tips on how to prep for your senior session!? Sign up for our FREEBIE here!